How to setup custom domain in Hashnode?

How to setup custom domain in Hashnode?


1 min read

The Backstory

I came across Google Domains because of the discount they gave in one of the conferences I attended. Registering a domain looks so complicated when I did some research. Or was it just overwhelming?

My first domain just sat there unused for around 2 years. ๐Ÿ˜” Well, I did try to connect it to an AWS instance while trying to learn about certificates...

Stuck again for a few days

There's a pretty good instruction on how to set up the custom domain. But then, I encountered an error in Google Domains.

CNAME records for the root domain are not supported

cname not supported.png

What worked?

  1. Set the host name to blog and the value to working cnamepng.png

  2. Then use the same value in Hashnode blog dashboard.png

What I just realized? ๐Ÿ’ญ

I first saw the following and immediately went on with it. Use @ it said... Dashboard_-_Domain.png

It's not recommended to use CNAME at the root level.

Turns out the instructions were actually dynamic. When I changed to, it also changed to set the host name to blog instead of @. Dashboard_-_Domain2.png

So all along, maybe I had it backwards. ๐Ÿ˜น